Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability, and Human Values into the curriculum
Education at RJC aims at developing youth who are sensitive to various issues of the society, respect for all organisms on the planet, contribute to the sustainable development goals. These are achieved by integrating cross cutting issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment and sustainability and human values into the curriculum. The program outcomes focuses on honesty, integrity, ethics, environment and sustainability, responsible citizen which encompasses all the desired virtues of a worthy individual. The cross cutting issues are embedded in the core courses, electives and value added courses. There are 112 courses which address issues relevant to gender, 139 courses addressed issues of human values and 102 courses deal with environment and sustainability. Foundation course is an interdisciplinary course which integrates environmental science, gender, climate change and human rights and is a compulsory course offered across faculty. There are dedicated courses like environmental studies, ecology, environmental science, green chemistry, green computing etc. which address environmental issues and their mitigations. Business ethics, organisational behaviour addresses issues of professional ethics. Human values has been included as a component in foundation course to ensure that our learners contribute to the society by being responsible, ethical, sympathetic and empathetic human being.