1.4.1 and 1.4.2 – Feedback (2021-22) (2022-23)

Action Taken Report Department wise

Sr. NoDepartmentLink to Action Taken Report
1ACCOUNTANCYLink to Action Taken Report
2BAFLink to Action Taken Report
3BAMMCLink to Action Taken Report
4BBILink to Action Taken Report
5BIOTECHLink to Action Taken Report
6BMSLink to Action Taken Report
7BOTANYLink to Action Taken Report
8BVOCLink to Action Taken Report
9COMMERCELink to Action Taken Report
10CSLink to Action Taken Report
11ECONOMICSLink to Action Taken Report
12ENGLISHLink to Action Taken Report
13GEOGRAPHYLink to Action Taken Report
14HINDILink to Action Taken Report
15HISTORYLink to Action Taken Report
16ITLink to Action Taken Report
17MA-EMALink to Action Taken Report
18MARATHILink to Action Taken Report
19MATHSLink to Action Taken Report
20PHILOSOPHYLink to Action Taken Report
21PHYSICSLink to Action Taken Report
22POL-SCILink to Action Taken Report
23PSYCHOLOGYLink to Action Taken Report
24SOCIOLOGYLink to Action Taken Report
25STATISTICSLink to Action Taken Report
26ZOOLOGYLink to Action Taken Report

Feedback Department wise

Sr. NoDepartmentLink to Feedback
1ACCOUNTANCYLink to Feedback
2BAFLink to Feedback
3BAMMCLink to Feedback
4BBILink to Feedback
5BIOTECHLink to Feedback
6BMSLink to Feedback
7BOTANYLink to Feedback
8BVOCLink to Feedback
9COMMERCELink to Feedback
10CSLink to Feedback
11ECONOMICSLink to Feedback
12ENGLISHLink to Feedback
13GEOGRAPHYLink to Feedback
14HINDILink to Feedback
15HISTORYLink to Feedback
16ITLink to Feedback
17MA-EMALink to Feedback
18MARATHILink to Feedback
19MATHSLink to Feedback
20PHILOSOPHYLink to Feedback
21PHYSICSLink to Feedback
22POL-SCILink to Feedback
23PSYCHOLOGYLink to Feedback
24SOCIOLOGYLink to Feedback
25STATISTICSLink to Feedback
26ZOOLOGYLink to Feedback
