The College has linguistic minority status. 50% of the seats are reserved for students belonging to Hindi speaking community as per merit. For the remaining seats reservation policy will be as per the Directives of the University of Mumbai.
Students who have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Pune are eligible for admission to the F.Y.B.A./B.Sc. /B.Com./BMS.(Subject to fulfilling the other conditions)
Minority NO Reservation Circular
Minority Reservation Exemption Circular
Students who have passed the H.S.C. or equivalent examination of any other Board, must produce an eligibility certificate issued by the Eligibility section, University of Mumbai, Kalina, Mumbai – 400 098.
A. Documents issued by the college office
1. Bonafide Certificate
Students who are admitted to the Junior or Degree College are eligible to get a bonafide certificate on application and payment of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only.)
2. Railway Concession
Only bonafide students of the college for the academic year (male students below 25 years and all lady students) are eligible for Railway concession for their season tickets between the stations nearest to their home and Ghatkopar. The student has to apply in a prescribed form of application available at the college office between 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any working day. Long Journey Railway Concession is granted only for the vacation period according to rules of the Railways for commuting to their native places as mentioned in their admission forms.
3. Transcript
Students seeking transcripts are required to apply on a plain paper giving full details (Marksheets and relevant documents) to the Principal. Following the verification of the documents and payment of Rs.1000/- to the cashier, one original and one copy of the transcript will be provided.
4. Transfer Certificate:
The rules for issuing Transfer Certificate are as per the ordinance given below:
0.131 If, as a result of a student leaving one college to join another, it will be necessary for him to count the attendance kept by him in more than one college to enable him to make up the necessary number of attendance, a Transfer certificate shall not be granted except for reasons which appear to the executive council to be sufficient and except with the written permission of the Principal of the college which he intends to join. Provided , however, that in the event of a student leaving one college to join another after the completion of a term, or terms,it will be necessary for him to obtain the written permission from the Principal of the college which he desires to leave and the Principal of the college which he intends to join.
0.132 Student shall make application of Transfer Certificate without unnecessary delay through the Principal of the college to which they wish to be transferred.
5. Recommendation Letter
Student applying for post graduate courses to Indian or Foreign Universities may apply on a plain paper giving the purpose for which the recommendation letter is sought and other personal and academic details and the name of faculty from whom such a letter is sought. The Principal on scrutiny of the application will issue relevant instructions to the office to do the needful.
6. College Examination Marksheets
Students of First and Second year Degree College will be issued marksheets for Semester I, II, III and IV examinations as per credit system.
7. College Leaving Certificate
Students who have passed XIIth standard examination will be issued a college leaving certificate.
B. Documents to be submitted by the student
1. Provisional Eligibility
A student from another University or Board of Secondary or Intermediate Education or any other statutory examining body, seeking admission to this University/College shall apply to the Registrar, University of Mumbai for a certificate of eligibility. Such students will not be admitted to any class, if they have not obtained the provisional certificate of Eligibility from the Registrar, University of Mumbai.
After being admitted to the college on the basis of the provisional eligibility certificate, the students have to obtain final confirmation and eligibility for which they will be required to submit the following certificates in original along with a certified xerox copy.
• Original Mark Sheet
• Original Passing Certificate
• Original Migration Certificate.
Those students whose admission is provisional should note that if the Registrar does not finally confirm their admission, their terms will be treated as ‘Null and Void’ and they will not be allowed to appear for the final examination. Foreign students will have to show documentary evidence of conversion of their visa in addition to the above condition for eligibility.
2. Caste Certificate for Validation
It is applicable only to students belonging to S.C/S.T. /V.J./N.T./O.B.C. /S.B.C./Nav Buddha who wish to take admission in professional colleges after passing H.S.C. examination. For the validation of the above certificates, the student has to submit original caste certificate along with two attested xerox copies and a copy of caste certificate of any of his/her close relative and attested Xerox copy of first and last page of ration-card on or before 15th October 2011.
3. Migration Certificate
When a student of Mumbai University, either enrolled in an affiliated college or registered with the University, wishes to leave the University to join any other University/Board for pursuing any course of study, he has to obtain a migration certificate from this University. A Student is required to apply in the prescribed form for the migration certificate to the Registrar of the University through the Principal of the college/institution last attended by him.
The application for migration certificate has to be accompanied by the Transfer Certificate in original and a copy thereof.
A duplicate or fresh copy of the migration certificate will not be issued under any circumstances.
If for any reason the student fails to join the University/Board that he had proposed to join, he shallreturn the Migration Certificate issued to him within three months from the date of issue of the migration certificate for cancellation through the Principal of the college/institution through which he applied for the migration certificate.
4.Transfer Certificate
The rules for submitting Transfer Certificate to the college are as per the ordinance given below:
0.126 No Student shall at any time be admitted to any other college unless he/she produces Transfer Certificate from the College he/she leaves.
0.120 The Principal shall be entitled to charge a fee of `100/- for issuing a Transfer Certificate. Subject to the provisions of ordinance 130, when a Principal receives an application for a Transfer Certificate more than a month after the opening of a term, he may levy an additional fee of Rs.20/- per term that has lapsed since the applicant attended the college. Provided however that the fee charged under the ordinance shall not exceed Rs.200/- in the aggregate.