3.2.3 – Number of teachers recognised as research guides (2022-23)
Faculty Ph.D Recognition Letter Ph.D Recognition Letter
Faculty Ph.D Recognition Letter Ph.D Recognition Letter
List of projects and grant details
Balance Sheet: Link List of projects and grant details
Balance Sheet: Link List of projects and grant details
Balance Sheet BALANCE_SHEET_2022-23(Seed Money Highlighted) Minutes of the RAC regarding seed money MOM_RAC_SEED_MONEY Sanction letter of the teacher receiving Grant Mr. Mujtaba Shaikh Dr. Karishma Rajbhar Ms. Namrata Jaiswal Dr. Sandesh Divekar Mr. Ashish Yadav
The research facilities are regularly modernised as per the requirement. There is a central instrumentation facility with high end instruments like HPLC, HPTLC, UV-VIS spectrophotometers, refrigerated centrifuge, precision balances to name a few. Staff and students are trained to use Read more – Total number of final year students who passed in the examinations conducted by Institution: 1755 – Total number of final year students who appeared for the examinations: 1881 Annual Report of CoE highlighting pass percentage of students Read more
The curriculum when framing has been outcome based. Learning outcome also steers the teaching and evaluation process. Students are informed about the evaluation pattern. Departments after discussion decide techniques of evaluation depending upon what is being evaluated and what is Read more
The graduate and post graduate program outcomes have been displayed on the college website. Every department depending on the program they are offering has stated the programme specific outcome. The program outcomes for every course have been clearly stated. These Read more
Academic Calendar Link Meeting Details Meeting at the start of the Academic Year Meeting at the end of the Academic Year Teaching Plans BAF BAMMC BBI Commerce Economics Marathi Statistics Timetable General Timetable Botany Biotechnology Economics Hindi History Marathi Zoology Read more