3.1.1: The institution’s research facilities are frequently updated and there are well defined policy for promotion of research which is uploaded on the institutional website and implemented

Minutes of the Meeting of Governing Body where Research Policy is approved MoM of Governing Body   Minutes of the Meeting of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) RAC MINUTES 2018-2019  RAC MINUTES 2019-2020 RAC MINUTES 2020-2021  RAC MINUTES 2021-2022  RAC MINUTES Read more


2.4.3: Average teaching experience of full time teachers (Data to be provided only for the latest completed academic year, in number of years)

Sanction letters and List indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority Aided Sanctioned Post Grant-in-aid Government List of Grant-in-aid teachers Year-wise 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23  Self-Financing and Contractual post sanctioned and recruited by the Management (Year-wise) 2018-19 Read more
