Knowledge Resource Centre (Library)
Books have always been a source of inspiration to many and so do the libraries that equip them. Libraries play a very important role in the development of the society. There is a give and take relationship between the libraries and the society. What it gives to the society gets back manifold and this process continues hence a library is said to be a growing as well as a developing organism. In this information age, libraries have a challenging role to play. Thus It has been upgraded from a traditional library to an automated library, further to electronic and now to digital library. This changing role of library has been very well acknowledged by the library of Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College. We have an excellent library. It has a treasure trove of information and over a decade now the library has come a long way in terms of its resources as well as the services that it provides to its user.
- To provide right information to the right user at the right time.
- To support the curricular, extra curricular and research activities of the institution.
- To promote reading habits amongst the users.
- To provide lifelong learning facility to the user community.
Mrs. Shubhangi M. Vedak, Associate Professor (LIBRARIAN)
Tel : 25151763
Information Services
- Circulation Service (for Books, Periodicals, CD’s and E-resources).
- Reference and Referral Service.
- Weekly Display of Inspiring News Articles and Career Information on the Notice Board.
- Monthly display of New Arrivals List as well as Books in the Display Rack.
- Inter-Library Loan Facility to students and staff.
- Book Bank Service.
- 22 Departmental libraries takes care of Open Access System.
- PIK-A-BOOK Scheme.
- RJ Chakshu–Service to the Visually Challenged and Partially Hearing Impaired Users.
- Security is taken care of by way of CCTV System.
- Budget Allocation – Central Budget, UGC Grants, Research Projects etc.
- Acquisition – Selection, Ordering etc.
- Classification – Classifying the knowledge content of the book.
- Accessioning.
- Cataloging.
- Processing – Physical processing of the books as to its stamping, labeling etc.
- Data Entry.
- Books / Periodical on shelf for issuing.
- User Orientation Programs.
- Regular Book Exhibitions.
- Book Talks / Book Reviews.
- Announcement of `Best Library User Award’.
While entering the library, students should carry both their Identity Card as well as Library Cards.
- Students will ensure that they do not disturb other students in the Library.
- Books are issued for home reading for a period of one week only against demand slip (duty filed and signed) on days notified for this purpose. Reference Books and prescribed text books kept in the reading hall, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Atlases and other classified as reference books must be used in the library only during working hours.
- Students should desist from marking library books with pencil or ink or mutilating them. Books found damaged/mutilated must be brought to the notice of librarian at time of issue, failing which the last reader will be held responsible for the same. Students found damaging/mutilating books, periodicals will be required to compensate for the damage. Further, at the discretion of the librarian, such student may not avail of library facilities thereafter.
- Students who have enrolled through the College as post graduate students will be required to pay library deposit of Rs.400/- for borrowing books for home reading.
- Students failing to return books issued for home reading on or before the due date will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 15/- per day till such time as the book is returned.
- Students will not be issued more than one book at a time for home reading. While returning books students will ensure that the necessary entry of return is made in his/her presence.
- Books issued against the Identity card are for use in the Reading Hall only and must be returned while leaving the library. Disciplinary action will be taken against students violating this rule.
- The Students are required to maintain silence in the Reading Hall.
All Departments have departmental Library with open access.
- The College also runs a Study Centre which provides facilities to students of other Colleges residing in/near Ghatkopar.
- The Library and study Centre are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
- From January onwards both the library and Study Centre are kept open on Sundays and most holidays between 10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
- The library is computerised to facilitate quick searching of books.
- Free internet facility is available for students. Additional reading rooms are open 24 hours from February to May.
Study Room is available for pass out students and current students (Room No 38 & 39 on 3rd Floor for Boys and Biology First Lab for Girls)
Monday to Saturday: Evening 6.30 pm to 11.00 pm
Sundays, Public Holidays and Vacation: Full Day