SYLLABUS 2024-25 (Under NEP 2020) First Year and Second Year

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, brings forth a new era of innovation and excellence in higher education. This policy, formulated by the Government of India, aims to revolutionize the learning landscape and empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.

Here are some key highlights of the NEP 2020:

Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education: The NEP emphasizes a holistic approach to education, encouraging universities to adopt multidisciplinary learning frameworks. Students will have the flexibility to choose from a diverse range of subjects, promoting a well-rounded education that nurtures their interests and abilities.

Flexible Undergraduate Programs: The policy introduces a flexible undergraduate education system, allowing students to choose majors, minors, and interdisciplinary courses based on their preferences and career aspirations. This enables students to personalize their educational journey and acquire a broad range of skills.

Research and Innovation: The NEP 2020 places a strong emphasis on research and innovation in higher education. Universities will be encouraged to foster a culture of critical thinking, problem-solving, and research-oriented learning. This focus on innovation will cultivate a generation of creative thinkers and contribute to societal progress.

Technology Integration: With the rapid advancement of technology, the NEP recognizes the significance of integrating technology into the learning process. Higher education institutions will leverage digital platforms, online resources, and virtual learning environments to enhance the quality and accessibility of education.

Skill Development: The NEP aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by promoting skill development programs. Collaborations between universities and industries will be strengthened to ensure graduates possess the practical skills demanded by the job market, fostering a skilled workforce.

Global Exposure: The policy encourages internationalization of higher education by promoting collaborations, student exchanges, and research partnerships with renowned institutions worldwide. This global exposure will provide students with a broader perspective, cultural understanding, and opportunities for global career prospects.

The implementation of the NEP 2020 in our institution will bring about significant positive changes in the way education is imparted. It will empower you to become adaptable, innovative, and globally competent individuals, ready to contribute to society and thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

We look forward to welcoming students to our institution, where the NEP 2023 will shape your educational journey and unlock a world of opportunities.

It is a vertical of Core subject. It is a subject in which you shall graduate and build your career thereafter.

As you proceed in your studies, this vertical of Maj. shall be further strengthening with more of learning, understanding, applying and exploring scope for the innovation with the subject. All remaining verticals except for Open Elective (OE) orient around this vertical of Maj, and  the Internship/Apprenticeship/ Field Project/Research Project in the Third year of study shall also be based on this vertical. You must therefore choose this vertical very carefully.

Expert Tips: It is you who has to decide Maj. Following your passion, liking for the subject, confidence of self study in addition to class room teaching that would help you to explore the scope of the subject.

It is a vertical that strengthens the vertical of Maj. in terms of providing allied dimension to the core subject.

All subjects are interrelated as all subjects have originated from a common domain of knowledge which has elements of curiosity, utility and necessity and of course, all subjects ponder around understanding the wonders of the nature.

Expert Tips: Choose Min. subject as the one which  you think is the subject that best complements your Maj. in enhancing  your learning of Maj.

This vertical is the highlight NEP2020 and you will be choosing it from the basket of OE at the beginning of the academic sessions.

It is the vertical that has to be from the faculty other than the Maj. and that is where it opens the doors for you becoming the knowledgeable and updated person in the society. If you classify all your daily routine activities, then you will realise that every single day, you deal with little bit of science (food, medicines, electricity, mobile), little bit of commerce (banking, shopping, trading, travelling ) and a little bit of arts (reading, writing, communication, music, movie, painting). It is a vertical that gives you chance to step out of your core subject boundary in term of utility learning.

Expert Tips: Choose OE/GE based on your attitude towards the life and aptitude towards the learning new things.

This compulsory vertical includes Hands on Training corresponding mainly to the Maj. Subject.

Whenever applicable, it will also include skill based or advanced laboratory practicals of Maj. This vertical primarily focus on the application oriented learning.

Expert Tips: make sure you have chosen your Maj. carefully.

This vertical aims at enhancing your linguistic and the communication skills. It is a compulsory vertical because the effective communication is a key to success in life in every field. For the Arts and Science students, Communication skills and for Commerce students, Business Communication will be taught in this vertical.

Expert Tips:  Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.

This vertical will be offered only in the first year of under graduate program and shall primarily focus in sensitizing you to the importance of values in life which also includes nurturing the mother-earth which unconditionally nurtures all of us. Environmental studies shall be taught in this vertical.

Expert Tips: Covid19 pandemic taught us the importance of clean green environment, conservation and protection of natural resources and importance of oxygen. We must love our environment.

This vertical connects you back to your roots. It aims at educating the youth today to the rich heritage of our country and traditional knowledge in the field of Arts and literature, Agriculture, Basic sciences, Engineering and Technology Architecture, Management, Economics etc. If it is well preserved and widely disseminated, this knowledge can help in further research and societal applications.

Expert Tips: A unique opportunity to get enlightened and enjoy and appreciate the perfect amalgamation of contemporary learning and traditional legacy.

This vertical includes courses such as Health and Wellness, Yoga education, Sports and fitness, Cultural activities, NSS/NCC and Fine / Applied/ Visual/Performing Arts. At a later stage, this vertical shall also encompass Field Projects/ Internship/Apprenticeship/ Community Engagement and service corresponding to the Maj.( Core) subject.

Expert Tips: An opportunity to look into your own self and search for your hidden talents, capabilities, commitment and multitasking ability.

NEP 2020 was implemented in the First Year from the academic year 2023-24 and Second Year from the academic year 2024-25

Vertical under NEPDepartmentSemesterTheory/PracticalCourse NameCreditsCourse CodeLink to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyITheoryThallophyta and Cytology 2RJMAJBOT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyITheoryGenetics and Physiology2RJMAJBOT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIPracticalPraticals based on Thallophyta and Cytology, Genetics and Physiology2RJMAJBOTP111, RJMAJBOTP112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyITheoryThallophyta and Cytology 2RJMINBOT111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyITheoryGenetics and Physiology2RJMINBOT112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIPracticalPraticals based on Thallophyta and Cytology, Genetics and Physiology2RJMINBOTP111, RJMAJBOTP112Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BotanyIFlower Arrangements2RJOECBOT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BotanyISeed Technology2 RJVSCBOT111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BotanyIEnvironmental Science2RJVECBOT111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)BotanyIIndian Traditional Medicinal System- Ayurveda2 RJIKSBOT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BotanyICo-curricular/ Extension activites/Community service 2RJCCBOT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIITheorySystematic Botany and Anatomy 2RJMAJBOT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIITheoryEcology and Economic Botany 2RJMAJBOT122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIIPracticalPraticals based on Systematic Botany and Anatomy, Ecology and Economic Botany 2RJMAJBOTP121, RJMAJBOTP122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIITheoryThallophyta and Cytology 2RJMINBOT121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIITheoryGenetics and Physiology2RJMINBOT122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIIPracticalPraticals based on Thallophyta and Cytology, Genetics and Physiology2RJMINBOTP121, RJMAJBOTP122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BotanyIIGardening in Limited Space2RJOECBOT121 Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BotanyIIComputer Literacy 2RJSECBOT121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BotanyIIEnvironmental Science2RJVECBOT121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BotanyIICommunication Skills in English2RJAECBOT121Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BotanyIICo-curricular/ Community service 2RJCCBOT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryITheoryChemistry-I2RJMAJCHE111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryITheoryChemistry-II2RJMAJCHE112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryIPracticalPraticals based on Chemistry-I, Chemistry-II2RJMAJCHEP111, RJMAJCHEP112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryIITheoryChemistry-III2RJMAJCHE121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryIITheoryChemistry-IV2RJMAJCHE122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ChemistryIIPracticalPraticals based on Chemistry-III, Chemistry-IV2RJMAJCHEP121, RJMAJCHEP122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryITheoryChemistry-I2RJMINCHE111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryITheoryChemistry-II2RJMINCHE112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryIPracticalPraticals based on Chemistry-I, Chemistry-II2RJMINCHEP111, RJMINCHEP112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryIITheoryChemistry-III2RJMINCHE121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryIITheoryChemistry-IV2RJMINCHE122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ChemistryIIPracticalPraticals based on Chemistry-III, Chemistry-IV2RJMINCHEP121, RJMINCHEP122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)ChemistryIISEPARATION TECHNIQUES2RJSECCHEP121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)ChemistryILab Testing and Quality Assurance and Basic analytical techniques2RJVSCCHEP111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)ChemistryIHISTORY OF CHEMISTRY IN ANCIENT INDIA2RJIKSCHE111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ChemistryIChemistry In Everyday Life2RJOECCHE111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ChemistryIFood Management2RJOECCHE112Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ChemistryIIChemistry of Colors2RJOECCHE121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ChemistryIIMedicinal Chemistry2RJOECCHE122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsITheoryCalculus-I2RJMAJMAT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsITheoryAlgebra-I2RJMAJMAT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsIPracticalMathematics Practical I2RJMAJMATP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsITheoryCalculus-I2RJMINMAT111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsITheoryAlgebra-I2RJMINMAT112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsIPracticalMathematics Practical I2RJMINMATP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsIITheoryCalculus-II2RJMAJMAT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsIITheoryAlgebra-II2RJMAJMAT122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MathematicsIIPracticalMathematics Practical II2RJMAJMATP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsIITheoryCalculus-II2RJMINMAT121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsIITheoryAlgebra-II2RJMINMAT122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MathematicsIIPracticalMathematics Practical II2RJMINMATP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)MathematicsIMathematical Techniques2RJOECMAT111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)MathematicsIIFoundations of Business Mathematics2RJOECMAT121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)MathematicsINumerical Methods-I2RJVSCMAT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)MathematicsINumerical Methods-II2RJSECMAT121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)MathematicsIIMathematical Techniques in Business2RJSECMAT122Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)MathematicsIVedic Mathematics2RJIKSMAT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)MathematicsICo-curricular/ Extension activites/Community service RJCCMAT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)MathematicsIICo-curricular/ Extension activites/Community service RJCCMAT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhysicsITheoryMechanics4RJMAJPHY111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhysicsIPracticalMechanics Practical2RJMAJPHY112 Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhysicsIITheoryThermodynamics 4RJMAJPHY121 Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhysicsIIPracticalThermodynamics Practical2RJMAJPHY122 Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhysicsITheoryMechanics4RJMINPHY111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhysicsIPracticalMechanics Practical2RJMINPHY112 Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhysicsIITheoryThermodynamics 4RJMINPHY121 Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhysicsIIPracticalThermodynamics Practical2RJMINPHY122 Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PhysicsIBasic Digital Electronics Course 2RJOEPHY111 Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PhysicsIIAstronomy - Astrophysics2RJOEPHY121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PhysicsIComputer Literacy2RJVSCPHY11Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PhysicsIIProgramming in C++2RJSECPHY122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PhysicsIIProgramming in Python2RJSECPHY121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)PhysicsIPhysics in ancient India 2RJIKSPHY111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsITheoryDescriptive
2RJMAJSTA111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsITheoryStatistical
2RJMAJSTA112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsIPracticalPracticals2RJMAJSTAP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsIITheoryDescriptive
2RJMAJSTA121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsIITheoryStatistical
2RJMAJSTA122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)StatisticsIIPracticalPracticals2RJMAJSTAP121Link to Syllabus
Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsITheoryDescriptive
2RJMINSTA111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsITheoryStatistical
2RJMINSTA112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsIPracticalPracticals2RJMINSTAP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsIITheoryDescriptive
2RJMINSTA121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsIITheoryStatistical
2RJMINSTA122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)StatisticsIIPracticalPracticals2RJMINSTAP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)StatisticsIStatistical
Techniques - I
RJOECSTA111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)StatisticsIIStatistical
Techniques - II
RJOECSTA121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)StatisticsIOperation
Research - I
2RJVSCSTA111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)StatisticsIIOperation
Research - II
2RJSECSTA121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)StatisticsIElementary of
2RJVSCSTA112Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)StatisticsIStatistics in
Ancient India
2RJIKSSTA111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MarathiITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. १: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: कविता3RJMAJMAR111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MarathiITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. २: उपयोजजत िराठी3RJMAJMAR112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MarathiIITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. १: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: िाटक3RJMAJMAR121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)MarathiIITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. २: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: कथा3RJMAJMAR122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MarathiITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. १: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: कविता3RJMINMAR111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MarathiITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. २: उपयोजजत िराठी3RJMINMAR112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MarathiIITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. १: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: िाटक3RJMINMAR121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)MarathiIITheoryअभ्यासपत्रिका क्र. २: साह त्यप्रकाराचा अभ्यास: कथा3RJMINMAR122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)MarathiIUnicode Typing and Tech Marathi2RJVSCMAR111, RJVSCMARP111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)MarathiIभारतीय लोककथा2RJIKSMAR111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)MarathiI & IIMarathi- Cocurricular Course2RJCCMAR111, RJCCMAR121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EconomicsITheoryMICRO ECONOMICS-I3RJMAJECO111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EconomicsITheoryAGRICULTURE ECONOMICS3RJMAJECO112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EconomicsIITheoryMACRO ECONOMICS I3RJMAJECO121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EconomicsIITheoryDEMOGRAPHY3RJMAJECO122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsITheoryMICRO ECONOMICS-I3RJMINECO111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsITheoryAGRICULTURE ECONOMICS3RJMINECO112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsIITheoryMACRO ECONOMICS I3RJMINECO121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsIITheoryDEMOGRAPHY3RJMINECO122Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)EconomicsIINDIAN ECONOMIC THOUGHT2RJIKSECO111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)EconomicsIManagerial And Financial Economics I 2RJOECECO111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)EconomicsIIManagerial And Financial Economics II 2RJOECECO121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsITheoryMICRO ECONOMICS-I3RJMINECO111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsITheoryAGRICULTURE ECONOMICS3RJMINECO112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsIITheoryMACRO ECONOMICS I3RJMINECO121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EconomicsIITheoryDEMOGRAPHY3RJMINECO122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HindiITheoryह िंदी कथा साह त्य3RJMAJHIN111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HindiIITheoryगद्य विविधा3RJMAJHIN121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HindiITheoryह िंदी कथा साह त्य3RJMINHIN111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HindiIITheoryगद्य विविधा3RJMINHIN121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)HindiI􀃥यं􀃊य सा􀇑ह􀃗य एवं लेखन2RJGEHIN111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)HindiII􀃥यं􀃊य सा􀇑ह􀃗य एवं लेखन2RJGEHIN121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)HindiIह िंदी सिंवाद एविं ववज्ञापन लेखन2RJVSCHIN111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)HindiIIह िंदी किं प्यूह िंग2RJSECHIN121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (I+H16+A130:J130HindiIलोक साहित्य2RJIKSHIN111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HistoryITheoryPolitical History of Modern India (1857 - 1947 C.E.)3RJMAJHIS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HistoryITheoryHistory of Mumbai (1600 – 1960 C.E.) -I3RJMAJHIS112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HistoryIITheorySocio-Economic History of Modern India (1857 - 1947 C.E.)3RJMAJHIS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)HistoryIITheoryHistory of Mumbai (1600 – 1960 C.E.) -II3RJMAJHIS122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HistoryITheoryPolitical History of Modern India (1857 - 1947 C.E.)3RJMINHIS111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HistoryITheoryHistory of Mumbai (1600 – 1960 C.E.) -I3RJMINHIS112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HistoryIITheorySocio-Economic History of Modern India (1857 - 1947 C.E.)3RJMINHIS121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)HistoryIITheoryHistory of Mumbai (1600 – 1960 C.E.) -II3RJMINHIS122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)HistoryICultural History of India- I2RJOECHIS111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)HistoryIICultural History of India-II2RJOECHIS121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)HistoryIHeritage Tourism in India2RJVSCHIS111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)HistoryIIIndian Numismatics2RJVSECHIS121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)HistoryIHistory of Water Management in India 2RJIKSHIS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PsychologyITheoryFundamentals of Psychology – Part 13RJMAJPSY111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PsychologyITheoryPositive Psychology – Part 13RJMAJPSY112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PsychologyIITheoryFundamentals of Psychology – Part 23RJMAJPSY121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PsychologyIITheoryPositive Psychology – Part 23RJMAJPSY122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PsychologyIHumans of Psychology – Part 12RJOECPSY111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PsychologyIIHumans of Psychology – Part 22RJOECPSY121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PsychologyIPsychology of Adjustment2RJVSCPSY111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PsychologyIIStress Management2RJSECPSY121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)PsychologyIIndian Roots of Psychology2RJIKSPSY111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Political ScienceITheoryFundamentals of Political Science3RJMAJPOL111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Political ScienceITheoryThemes in Political Science3RJMAJPOL112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIITheoryBasics of the Indian Constitution3RJMAJPOL121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIITheoryIndian Constitution and Institutions of Governance3RJMAJPOL122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Political ScienceITheoryFundamentals of Political Science3RJMINPOL111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Political ScienceITheoryThemes in Political Science3RJMINPOL112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Political ScienceIITheoryBasics of the Indian Constitution3RJMINPOL121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Political ScienceIITheoryIndian Constitution and Institutions of Governance3RJMINPOL122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Political ScienceIIntroduction to Human Rights2RJOECPOL111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Political ScienceIIHuman Rights in Practice2RJOECPOL121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Political ScienceIPublic Opinion2RJVSCPOL111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Political ScienceIIMeasuring Public Opinion2RJSECPOL121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Political ScienceILink to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Political ScienceI & IIPolitical Science Curricular Course2Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignITheoryBuilding & Interior Components2RJMAJIND111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignITheoryDesign Principles2RJMAJIND112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignIPracticalFurniture Design Drawings2RJMAJIND113Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignIITheoryStudio - Interior Furnishing – 12RJMAJIND121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignIITheoryKitchen Design2RJMAJIND122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Interior DesignIIPracticalDesign and Drafting2RJMAJIND123Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Interior DesignIITheory Interior Components & Treatment 2RJMININD121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Interior DesignIFundamentals of Digital Marketing2RJOEIND111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Interior DesignISoft Skills Development2RJOEIND112Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Interior DesignIIFundamentals of Digital Marketing – I2RJOEIND121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Interior DesignIIFundamentals of Digital Marketing – I2RJOEIND122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Interior DesignIPracticalBasics of Drafting2RJVSCIND111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Interior DesignIIHistory of Interiors in the West2RJVSCIND121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Interior DesignIFurniture Materials2RJSECIND111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Interior DesignIIBasics of Furniture Construction2RJSECIND121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Interior DesignIEnvironmental Studies – I2RJAECIND111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Interior DesignIIEnvironmental Studies – II2RJAECIND121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Interior DesignIPraticalComputer Fundamentals – AutoCAD Basics2RJVECIND111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Interior DesignIIComputer Fundamentals Auto CAD – II2RJVECIND121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Interior DesignIHistory of Indian Interiors2RJIKSIND111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Interior DesignICo-curricular/Extension activities / Community service 2RJCCIND111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Interior DesignIICo-curricular/Extension activities / Community service 2RJCCIND121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Fashion DesignITheoryIntroduction to Fashion Designing3RJMAJFND111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Fashion DesignITheoryComponent of Fashion Designing3RJMAJFND112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Fashion DesignIPracticalFashion Illustration2RJMAJFND113Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Fashion DesignIITheoryTextile Science3RJMAJFND121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Fashion DesignIITheoryTextile Designing3RJMAJFND122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Fashion DesignIITheoryFashion Illustration2RJMINFND121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Fashion DesignIFurnishing of Room2RJGEFND111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Fashion DesignIISustainability in Fashion industry2RJGEFND121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Fashion DesignIDigital Marketing2RJOEFND111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Fashion DesignIIDesign Technology2RJOEFND121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Fashion DesignISurface Ornamentation2RJVSCFND111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Fashion DesignIIGarment Construction2RJVSCFND121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Fashion DesignIPattern Drafting2RJSECFND111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Fashion DesignIIFashion Merchandising2RJSECFND121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Fashion DesignIStyling and Soft Skills2RJAECFND111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Fashion DesignIIPortfolio (English)2RJAECFND121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Fashion DesignIComputer Fundamentals2RJVECFND111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Fashion DesignIIDigital & Technological Solutions2RJVECFND121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Fashion DesignIHistory of Fashion2RJIKSFND111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Fashion DesignICo-Curricular courses2RJCCFND111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Fashion DesignIIFine Applied Visual Arts2RJCCFND121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Animation and VFXIITheoryVIDEO EDITING PREMIER2RJMAJVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Animation and VFXIITheory2D ANIMATION: ANIMATE CC2RJMAJVFX 122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Animation and VFXIITheoryINTRODUCTION TO
2RJMINVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Animation and VFXIDIGITAL MARKETING2RJOECVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Animation and VFXIIDesign Principles2RJOEVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Animation and VFXIINT MEDIA PART I : INDESIGN2RJVSCVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Animation and VFXIIPRINT MEDIA PART I : CORELDRAW2RJVSCVFX121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Animation and VFXIDRAWING AND SKETCHING2RJSECVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Animation and VFXIIMOTION GRAPHICS: AFTER EFFECTS2RJSECVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Animation and VFXICOMMUNICATION SKILLS2RJAECVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Animation and VFXIIPROFESSIONAL ETHICS2RJAECVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Animation and VFXIVISUAL COMMUNICATION2RJVECVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Animation and VFXIIGREEN TECHNOLOGIES2RJVECVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Animation and VFXIIKS - PART 01 INDIAN MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT -
2RJIKSVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Animation and VFXINSS/NCC/ Social Awareness Campaign / certificate course / field
trip etc.
2RJCCVFX 111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Animation and VFXIINSS/NCC/ Social Awareness Campaign / certificate course / field
trip etc.
2RJCCVFX 121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITheoryAnatomy –12RJMAJMLT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITheoryPhysiology –1 and Laboratory Basics – 12RJMAJMLT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIPraticalsPracticals in Major Subject2RJMAJMLTP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITheoryAnatomy – II2RJMAJMLT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITheoryPhysiology – II and Clinical Biochemistry –12RJMAJMLT122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIPraticalsPracticals in Major Subject2RJMAJMLTP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITheoryPhlebotomy 2RJMINMLT111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITheoryWaste Management – 12RJMINMLT112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITheoryPracticals in Minor Subject2RJMINMLTP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITheoryLaboratory Basics – II2RJMINMLT121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITheoryWaste Management – II2RJMINMLT122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITheoryPracticals in Minor Subject2RJMINMLTP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIFinancial Literacy2RJOECMLT111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIFinancial literacy – Advance2RJOECMLT121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyITechniques in MLT2RJVSECMLT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIITechniques in MLT2RJVSECMLT121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIEnglish Communication2RJAECMLT121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIEnvironmental sciences2RJVECMLT111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIWaste Management2RJVECMLT121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIndian Knowledge System2RJIKSMLT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyI Co curricular/ Community service 2RJCCMLT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Medical Laboratory TechnologyIIInternship2RJCCMLT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyITheoryAnatomy and Physiology2RJMAJMIT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyITheoryClinical Pathology2RJMAJMIT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyIPraticalsPracticals in Major Subject2RJMAJMITP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITheoryRadiology – Equipment, Positioning Techniques & Procedures2RJMAJMIT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITheoryContrast Media in Diagnostic Radiology2RJMAJMIT122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIPraticalsContrast Media in Diagnostic Radiology2RJMAJMITP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyITheoryRadiation Physics 2RJMINMIT111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyITheoryImage Processing Techniques 2RJMINMIT112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyITheoryPracticals in Minor Subject2RJMINMITP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITheoryRadiology – Quality Control 2RJMINMIT121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITheoryRadiology – Patient Care2RJMINMIT122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITheoryRadiology Patient Care and Quality Control2RJMINMITP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Medical Imaging TechnologyIFinancial Literacy2RJOECMIT111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIFinancial literacy – Advance2RJOECMIT121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Medical Imaging TechnologyITechniques in MIT2RJVSECMIT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Medical Imaging TechnologyIITechniques in MIT2RJVSECMIT121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIEnglish Communication2RJAECMIT121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Medical Imaging TechnologyIEnvironmental sciences2RJVECMIT111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIWaste Management2RJVECMIT121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIndian Knowledge System2RJIKSMIT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Medical Imaging TechnologyI Co curricular/ Community service 2RJCCMIT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Medical Imaging TechnologyIIInternship2RJCCMIT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)ITheoryPrinciples of Management3RJMAJBMS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)ITheoryFundamentals of Financial Accounting3RJMAJBMS112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IITheoryHuman Resource Management3RJMAJBMS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IITheoryFundamentals of Cost Accounting3RJMAJBMS122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IITheoryMarketing Management2RJMINBMS121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)ITheoryBusiness Statistics2RJOECBMS111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)ITheoryBusiness Economics – I2RJOECBMS112Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IITheoryBusiness Mathematics2RJOECBMS121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IITheoryBusiness Economics-II2RJOECBMS122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IDigital Literacy2RJVSCBMS111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IIAdvance Excel2RJVSCBMS121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IOrganization Crisis & Disaster Management2RJSECBMS111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IIOrganisation Behaviour2RJSECBMS121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IBusiness Communication 2RJAECBMS111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IIArtificial Intelligence in Management2RJAECBMS121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)INew Trends in Environmental Management2RJVECBMS111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IICorporate Ethics and CSR2RJVECBMS121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IChanakya on Leadership2RJIKSBMS111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)I Co curricular/ Community service 2RJCCBMS111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)IICo curricular/ Community service 2RJCCBMS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Banking & Insurance (BBI)ITheoryIntroduction to Financial System 2RJMAJBBI111 Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Banking & Insurance (BBI)ITheoryBasic Accounting Techniques2RJMAJBBI112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IITheoryAn Overview of Insurance Sector2RJMAJBBI121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IITheoryAdvanced Accounting Techniques2RJMAJBBI122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IITheoryBusiness Law2RJMINBBI121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Banking & Insurance (BBI)ITheoryMicroeconomics - I4RJOECBBI111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IITheoryPrinciples of Management4RJOECBBI121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IFoundation of Human Skill-I2RJVSCBBI111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IIFoundation of Human Skill-II2RJVSCBBI121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IBusiness Communication -I2RJSECBBI111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IIBusiness Communication -II2RJSECBBI121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IQuantitative Methods - I2RJAECBBI111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IIQuantitative Methods - II2RJAECBBI121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IEnvironmental Studies- I2RJVECBBI111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IIEnvironmental Studies- II2RJVECBBI121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IIndian Banking System2RJIKSBBI111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)I Co-curricular Course (CC) - The Science of Well-Being-I2RJCCBBI111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Banking & Insurance (BBI)IICo-curricular Course (CC) - The Science of Well-Being-I2RJCCBBI121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Business Administration (BBA)ITheoryFinancial Management-I3RJMAJBBA111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Business Administration (BBA)ITheoryPrinciples of Management3RJMAJBBA112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Business Administration (BBA)IITheoryTrends and Technologies in Marketing3RJMAJBBA121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Business Administration (BBA)IITheoryFinancial Management-II3RJMAJBBA122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Business Administration (BBA)IITheoryBusiness Statistics-II2RJMINBBA121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Business Administration (BBA)ITheoryBusiness Statistics-I2RJOECBBA111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Business Administration (BBA)IITheoryStructured Query Language (SQL)2RJOECBBA112Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Business Administration (BBA)ITheoryStrategic Management2RJOECBBA121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Business Administration (BBA)IITheoryHuman Resources Management2RJOECBBA122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Business Administration (BBA)IAdvance Excel2RJVSCBBA111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Business Administration (BBA)IIData Modelling and Visualisation using Power BI2RJVSCBBA121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Business Administration (BBA)IOrganisation Behaviour2RJSECBBA111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Business Administration (BBA)IIManagement Information System2RJSECBBA121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Business Administration (BBA)IBusiness Communication2RJAECBBA111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Business Administration (BBA)IIBusiness Ethics and Corporate Governance2RJAECBBA121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Business Administration (BBA)INew Trends in Environmental Management2RJVECBBA111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Business Administration (BBA)IICorporate Ethics and CSR2RJVECBBA121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Business Administration (BBA)IChanakya on Leadership2RJIKSBBA111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Business Administration (BBA)I Co-curricular Course (CC)2RJCCBBA111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Business Administration (BBA)IICo-curricular Course (CC)2RJCCBBA121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceITheoryDIGITAL SYSTEM & ARCHITECTURE 2RJMAJCS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIPraticalDIGITAL SYSTEM & ARCHITECTURE PRACTICAL1RJMAJCSP111 Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceITheoryDATABASE SYSTEMS 2RJMAJCS112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIPraticalDATABASE SYSTEMS PRATICAL1RJMAJCSP112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIITheoryDATA STRUCTURES2RJMAJCS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIIPraticalDATA STRUCTURE PRACTICAL1RJMAJCSP121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIITheoryINTRODUCTION TO OOPS USING C++2RJMAJCS122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Computer ScienceIIPraticalINTRODUCTION TO OOPS USING C++ PRACTICAL1RJMAJCSP122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Computer ScienceIITheoryCALCULUS2RJMINCS121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Computer ScienceITheoryFUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING3RJOECCS111 Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Computer ScienceIPraticalFUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING PRACTICAL1RJOECCSP111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Computer ScienceIITheoryBusiness Logic3RJOECCS121 Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Computer ScienceIIPraticalBUSINESS LOGIC PRACTICAL1RJOECCSP121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Computer ScienceIPraticalFUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON PROGRAMMING PRACTICAL2RJVSCCSP111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Computer ScienceIIPraticalADVANCED PYTHON PROGRAMMING PRACTICAL2RJVSCCSP121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Computer ScienceIPraticalR PROGRAMMING PRACTICAL2RJSECCSP111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Computer ScienceIIPraticalLINUX PRACTICAL2RJSECCSP121 Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Computer ScienceICOMMUNICATION SKILLS2RJAECCS111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Computer ScienceIIPROFESSIONAL ETHICS2RJAECCS121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Computer ScienceIDIGITAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT2RJVECCS111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Computer ScienceIIGREEN COMPUTING2RJVECCS121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Computer ScienceIVEDIC MATHEMATICS2RJIKSCS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Accounting & Finance (BAF)ITheoryFinancial Accounting - I 3RJMAJBAF111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Accounting & Finance (BAF)ITheoryFinancial Management - I 3RJMAJBAF112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IITheoryFinancial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) - II3RJMAJBAF121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IITheoryCost Accounting I3RJMAJBAF122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IITheoryEconomics I2RJMINBAF121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Accounting & Finance (BAF)ITheoryCyber Law -I4RJOECBAF111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IITheoryCyber Law II4RJOECBAF121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IInformation Technology in Accountancy - I4RJVSCBAF111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IIInformation Technology in Accountancy - II4RJSECBAF121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)ILanguage proficiency - I2RJAECBAF111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IILanguage proficiency - II2RJAECBAF121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IEnvironmental Studies2RJVECBAF111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IIUnderstanding India2RJVECBAF121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IIndian Knowledge System (IKS)- Concepts and Applications2RJIKSBAF111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)I Co-curricular Courses2RJCCBAF111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Accounting & Finance (BAF)IICo-curricular Courses2RJCCBAF121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationITheoryFundamentals Of Mass Communication 3RJMAJBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationITheoryIntroduction to History of Media 3RJMAJBAMMC112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIITheoryIntroduction to Advertising 3RJMAJBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIITheoryIntroduction to Journalism 3RJMAJBAMMC122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIITheoryCurrent Affairs 2RJMINBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationITheoryPrinciples Of Management 4RJOECBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIITheoryPrinciples of Marketing 4RJOECBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationITheoryElements of Visual Communication4RJVSCBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIITheoryElements of Content Writing 4RJSECBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIEffective Communication Skills - I 2RJAECBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIIEffective Communication Skills- II 2RJAECBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIEnvironmental Studies 2RJVECBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIIUnderstanding India 2RJVECBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIAncient Indian Communication and Culture 2RJIKSBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationI Co-Curricular Course: Cultural Activities/ Health and Wellness/ Yoga Education/ Sports and Fitness/ NSS/NCC/ fine, applied, visual and performing arts2RJCCBAMMC111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass CommunicationIICo-Curricular Course: Cultural Activities/ Health and Wellness/ Yoga Education/ Sports and Fitness/ NSS/NCC/ fine, applied, visual and performing arts2RJCCBAMMC121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyITheoryCytology2RJMAJBT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyITheoryFundamentals of Microbiology2RJMAJBT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyIPracticalMicroscopy and culture techniques-Practical2RJMAJBTP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyITheoryBasic Chemistry2RJMINBT111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyITheoryGood Laboratory Practices2RJMINBT112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyIPracticalGeneral laboratory Techniques -Practical2RJMINBTP111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BiotechnologyIMushroom farming2RJOECBT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)BiotechnologyITechniques in Microbiology2RJVSCBT111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BiotechnologyIEnvironmental sciences2RJVECBT111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)BiotechnologyIIndian Knowledge System2RJIKSBT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BiotechnologyICo-curricular/ Extension activites/Community service2RJCCBT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyIITheoryMolecular Biology2RJMAJBT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyIITheoryGenetics2RJMAJBT122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BiotechnologyIIPracticalDNA mutation and Chromosome aberrations-Practical2RJMAJBTP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyIITheoryBio-organic Chemistry2RJMINBT121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyIITheoryBio-analytical Chemistry2RJMINBT122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BiotechnologyIIPracticalBiochemical techniques-Practical2RJMINBTP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BiotechnologyIIFermented food and beverages2RJOECBT121Link to Syllabus
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)BiotechnologyIIBiometry2RJSECBT121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BiotechnologyIIWaste Management2RJVECBT121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BiotechnologyIIEnglish Communication2RJAECBT121Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BiotechnologyIICo-curricular/ Community service2RJCCBT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhilosophyITheoryMoral Philosophy I3RJMAJPHI111 Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhilosophyITheoryMoral Philosophy II3RJMAJPHI112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhilosophyIITheoryComparative Study of Religion I3RJMAJPHI121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)PhilosophyIITheoryComparative Study of Religion II3RJMAJPHI122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhilosophyITheoryMoral Philosophy I3RJMINPHI111 Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhilosophyITheoryMoral Philosophy II3RJMINPHI112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhilosophyIITheoryComparative Study of Religion I3RJMINPHI121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)PhilosophyIITheoryComparative Study of Religion II3RJMINPHI122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PhilosophyIIntroduction to Philosophy – I2RJOECPHI111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)PhilosophyIIIntroduction to Indian Philosophy-II2RJOECPHI121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PhilosophyIProfessional Ethics 2RJVSCPHI111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)PhilosophyIIHuman Values2RJSECPHI121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)PhilosophyISchools of Indian Philosophy2RJIKSPHI111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceITheoryIntroduction to Data Science2RJMAJDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIPraticalsIntroduction to Data Science Praticals1RJMAJDSAIP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceITheoryDescriptive Statistics2RJMAJDSAI112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIPraticalsDescriptive Statistics Praticals1RJMAJDSAIP112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIITheoryDatabase Management System 2RJMAJDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIPraticalsDatabase Management System Praticals1RJMAJDSAIP121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIITheoryProbability Distribution2RJMAJDSAI122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIPraticalsProbability Distribution Praticals1RJMAJDSAIP122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIITheoryR programming(Minor) 2RJMINDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIFinancial Management3RJOECDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIFinancial Management Praticals1RJOECDSAIP111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIBusiness Ethics 3RJOECDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIBusiness Ethics Praticals1RJOECDSAIP121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIPython for Data Science - I2RJVSCDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIPython for Data Science - II2RJVSEDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceISoft Skill Development 2RJAECDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIBusiness Communication 2RJAECDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIMathematics for Data Science - I2RJSECDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIIMathematics for Data Science - II 2RJSECDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIGreen Computing2RJVESDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIITechnologies for Disaster Management2RJVESDSAI121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceIVedic Maths2RJIKSDSAI111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)FYBCOM-AccountancyITheoryAccountancy and Financial Management - I3RJMAJACC111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)FYBCOM-AccountancyITheoryIntroduction to Management Accounting - I3RJMAJACC112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)FYBCOM-AccountancyIITheoryAccountancy and Financial Management -II3RJMAJACC121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)FYBCOM-AccountancyIITheoryManagement Accounting – II3RJMAJACC122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)FYBCOM-AccountancyITheoryINTRODUCTION TO BOOK KEEPING - I2RJOECACC111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)FYBCOM-AccountancyITheoryINDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM (IKS)2RJIKSACC111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)FYBCOM-CommerceITheoryCOMMERCE- I (Business Development)3RJMINCOM111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)FYBCOM-CommerceITheoryCOMMERCE- II (Entrepreneurship)3RJMINCOM112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)FYBCOM-CommerceIITheoryCOMMERCE -III (Service Sector)3RJMINCOM123Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)FYBCOM-CommerceIITheoryCOMMERCE- IV (Organisational Behaviour)3RJMINCOM124Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)FYBCOM-CommerceITheoryINTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS2RJOECCOM111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)FYBCOM-CommerceIITheoryINTRODUCTION TO SERVICE SECTOR2RJOECCOM122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyITheoryIntroduction to Database Management System2RJMAJIT111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyITheoryDiscrete Mathematics and its applications2RJMAJIT112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyIPraticalsIntroduction to Database Management System Practical2RJMAJITP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyIITheoryObject Oriented Programming 2RJMAJIT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyIITheoryPractical approach to web programming2RJMAJITP122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Information TechnologyIIPraticalsObject Oriented Programming Practical2RJMAJITP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)Information TechnologyITheoryIntroduction to Numerical Methods2RJMINIT121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Information TechnologyITheoryMultimedia Technologies4RJOECIT111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)Information TechnologyIITheoryE-Commerce4RJOECIT121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Information TechnologyIPraticalsPractical approach to Basic Programming 2RJVSCITP111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Information TechnologyIIPraticalsPL/SQL Fundamentals 2RJVSCITP121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Information TechnologyIDigital electronic systems and applications 2RJSECIT111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)Information TechnologyIIMicroprocessor and Microcontroller2RJSECIT121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Information TechnologyIFunctional English2RJAECIT111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)Information TechnologyIITechnical Communication Skills2RJAECIT121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Information TechnologyIGreen technology and Sustainability2RJVECIT111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)Information TechnologyIIDigital Empowerment2RJVECIT121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)Information TechnologyIVedic Mathematics2RJIKSIT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Information TechnologyI NCC/ NSS/ Sports/ DLLE / Cultural activities/ Community wellness2RJCCIT111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)Information TechnologyIICommunity Project 2RJCCIT121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyITheorySystematics and Diversity of Life and
Fundamentals of Ecology
2RJMAJZOO111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyITheoryBiomolecules and Basics in animal
2RJMAJZOO112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyIPraticalsPracticals related to Theory I & II 2RJMAJZOOP111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyIITheorySystematics and Diversity of Life and Cell biology
2RJMAJZOO121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyIITheoryBiomolecules and Genetics2RJMAJZOO122Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)ZoologyIIPraticalsPracticals related to Theory I & II2RJMAJZOOP121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyITheorySystematics and Diversity of Life and
Fundamentals of Ecology
2RJMINZOO111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyITheoryBiomolecules and Basics in animal
2RJMINZOO112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyIPraticalsPracticals related to Theory I & II 2RJMINZOOP111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyIITheorySystematics and Diversity of Life and Cell biology
2RJMINZOO121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyIITheoryBiomolecules and Genetics2RJMINZOO122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)ZoologyIIPraticalsPracticals related to Theory I & II2RJMINZOOP121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ZoologyIBiodiversity and Conservation.2RJOECZOO111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)ZoologyIIManagement Of Lifestyle Diseases2RJOECZOO121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)ZoologyIBasic Laboratory Techniques.2RJVSCZOO111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)ZoologyIIFUNDAMENTALS OF TECHNIQUES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY2RJSECZOO121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)ZoologyIBharatavarsha2RJIKSZOO111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)ZoologyI Co-curricular/ Community service 2RJCCZOO111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)ZoologyIICo-curricular/ Community service 2RJCCZOO121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIBasics of Financial Services3RJMAJFMS111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIFundamentals of Accounts and finance3RJMAJFMS112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIEquity And Debt Market3RJMAJFMS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIFinancial Management-I3RJMAJFMS122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIMicro Economics3RJMINFMS121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIPrinciples of Management4RJOECFMS111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIOrganisation Behaviour& HRM4RJOECFMS121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIComputer literacy4RJVSCFMS111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIAdvance Excel4RJSECFMS121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIEffective Communications- I2RJAECFMS111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIEffective Communications- II2RJAECFMS121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIEnvironmental Management2RJVECFMS111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIUnderstanding India2RJVECFMS121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIIndian Knowledge System2RJIKSFMS111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesI Cultural Activities/ Health and Wellness/ Yoga Education/ Sports and Fitness/ NSS/NCC/ fine, applied, visual, and performing arts2RJCCFMS111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BVOC-Financial Market &ServicesIICultural Activities/ Health and Wellness/ Yoga Education/ Sports and Fitness/ NSS/NCC/ fine, applied, visual, and performing arts2RJCCFMS121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIBasics of Real Estate3RJMAJREM111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIPrinciples of Management3RJMAJREM112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIPrinciples in Real estate3RJMAJREM121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIICorporate Finance in Real Estate 3RJMAJREM122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIMicro Economics3RJMINREM121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIFundamentals of Accounts and finance4RJOECREM111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIOrganisation Behaviour& HRM4RJOECREM121Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIComputer literacy4RJVSCREM111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIAdvance Excel4RJSECREM121Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIEffective Communications- I2RJAECREM111Link to Syllabus
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIEffective Communications- II2RJAECREM121Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIEnvironmental Management2RJVECREM111Link to Syllabus
Value Education Course (VEC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIUnderstanding India2RJVECREM121Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIIndian Knowledge System2RJIKSREM111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementI Co-Curricular/Community 2RJCCREM111Link to Syllabus
Co-curricular Courses (CC)BVOC-Real Estate ManagementIICo-Curricular/Community 2RJCCREM121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)SociologyITheoryFoundations of Sociology3RJMAJSOC111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)SociologyITheoryBasic Concepts in Sociology3RJMAJSOC112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)SociologyITheoryFoundations of Sociology3RJMINSOC111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)SociologyITheoryBasic Concepts in Sociology3RJMINSOC112Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)SociologyITheorySocial Media2RJVSCSOC111Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)SociologyITheoryGender and Society2RJOECSOC111Link to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)SociologyITheoryIndian Rural Society2RJIKSSOC111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)SociologyIITheoryFundamentals of Sociology3RJMAJSOC121Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)SociologyIITheoryBasic Sociological Terms3RJMAJSOC122Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)SociologyIITheoryFundamentals of Sociology3RJMINSOC121Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)SociologyIITheoryBasic Sociological Terms3RJMINSOC122Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)SociologyIITheoryNew Social Media2RJVSCSOC121Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)SociologyIITheorySocial Construction of gender2RJOECSOC121Link to Syllabus
3RJMAJENG111Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EnglishITheoryDRAMA AND THEATRE - I3RJMAJENG112Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)EnglishIITheoryDRAMA AND THEATRE - II3RJMAJENG122Link to Syllabus
3RJMINENG111Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EnglishITheoryDRAMA AND THEATRE - I3RJMINENG112Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)EnglishIITheoryDRAMA AND THEATRE - II3RJMINENG122Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)EnglishILink to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE) or Generic Elective (GE)EnglishIILink to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)EnglishICORPORATE WRITINGRJVSCENG111Link to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)EnglishILink to Syllabus
Vocational and Skill Enhancement Course (VSEC)EnglishIILink to Syllabus
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)EnglishIAncient Indian Literature in Translation: Mythology, Legends and FolktalesRJIKSENG111Link to Syllabus
Vertical under NEPDepartmentSemesterTheory/PracticalCourse NameCreditsCourse CodeLink to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIIITheoryMolecular Biology and Instrumentation 2RJMAJBOT231Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIIIPracticalMolecular Biology and Instrumentation 1RJMAJBOTP231Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIIITheoryConquest of Land2RJMAJBOT232Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIIIPracticalConquest of Land1RJMAJBOTP232 Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIIITheoryMolecular Biology and Instrumentation2RJMINBOT231Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIIIPracticalMolecular Biology and Instrumentation1RJMINBOTP231Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE)BotanyIIITheory & PracticalMushroom Cultivation2RJOECBOT231Link to Syllabus
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)BotanyIIITheory & PracticalField Methods for Vegetation Mapping2RJSECBOT231Link to Syllabus
FIELD PROJECT (FP)BotanyIIIField Project2RJFPBOT231Link to Syllabus
Co-Curricular Course (CC)BotanyIIICo-Curricular Course2RJCCBOT231Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIVTheoryHorticulture and Plant Biotechnology2RJMAJBOT241Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIVPracticalHorticulture and Plant Biotechnology 1RJMAJBOTP241Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIVTheoryRecombinant DNA Technology and Plant Physiology 2RJMAJBOT242Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)BotanyIVPracticalRecombinant DNA Technology & Plant Physiology 1RJMAJBOTP242Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIVTheoryHorticulture and Plant Biotechnology2RJMINBOT241Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min)BotanyIVPracticalHorticulture and Plant Biotechnology1RJMINBOTP241Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE)BotanyIVTheory & PracticalPost Harvest Technology2RJOECBOT241Link to Syllabus
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)BotanyIVPracticalSoil Analysis2RJVSCBOT241Link to Syllabus
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)BotanyIVPracticalPhytochemistry2RJSECBOT241Link to Syllabus
Community Engagement Project (CEP)BotanyIVCommunity Engagement Project2RJCEPBOT241Link to Syllabus
Co-Curricular Course (CC)BotanyIVCo-Curricular Course2RJCCBOT241Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)AccountancyIIITheory Accountancy and Financial Management-III3RJMAJACC233Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)AccountancyIIITheory Auditing – I3RJMAJACC231Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)AccountancyIVTheory Accountancy and Financial Management -IV3RJMAJACC244Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)AccountancyIVTheory Auditing – II3RJMAJACC242Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min) COMMERCEIIITheoryCommerce - V (Management)3RJMINCOM235Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE)COMMERCEIIITheoryEntrepreneurship and Management3RJOECCOM231Link to Syllabus
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)COMMERCEIIITheoryBusiness Law – I2RJSECCOM231Link to Syllabus
Minor (Min) COMMERCEIVTheoryCommerce - V (Marketing)3RJMINCOM246Link to Syllabus
Open Elective (OE)COMMERCEIVTheoryIntroduction to Marketing3RJOECCOM241Link to Syllabus
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)COMMERCEIVTheoryAdvertising– I
2RJVSCOM241Link to Syllabus
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)COMMERCEIVTheoryBusiness Law – II2RJSECCOM242Link to Syllabus
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIIITheoryThemes in Indian Politics3RJMAJPOL231
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIIITheoryPublic Administration and Public Management3RJMAJPOL232
Minor (Min)Political ScienceIIITheoryThemes in Indian Politics3RJMINPOL231
Open Elective (OE)Political ScienceIIITheoryHuman Rights in India2RJOECPOL231
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)Political ScienceIIITheoryRight to Information2RJSECPOL231
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIVTheoryIssues in Indian Politics3RJMAJPOL241
Major (Maj)Political ScienceIVTheoryGovernance in India3RJMAJPOL242
Minor (Min)Political ScienceIVTheoryIssues in Indian Politics3RJMINPOL241
Open Elective (OE)Political ScienceIVTheoryHuman Rights Institutions in India3RJOECPOL241
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)Political ScienceIVTheoryLocal Self Government 2RJVSCPOL241
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)Political ScienceIVTheoryCitizens and the Law2RJSECPOL241
