Advertisement for applications for Ph.D in the subjects of Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/Physics/Biotechnology/Commerce/Hindi/English/Philosophy for the academic year 2021-22
Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s
R. J. College of Arts, Science & Commerce
Opposite Ghatkopar Railway Station, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai 40086.
Email: Phone No: +91 22 25151763
The Research Centre of R. J College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Ghatkopar, Mumbai (Affiliated to University of Mumbai) invites applications for Ph.D in the following subjects Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/Physics/Biotechnology/Commerce/Hindi/English/Philosophy for the academic year 2021-22 from the eligible candidates
Ph.D (As per the Ordinance 0.5473, 05476 of the University of Mumbai as mentioned in the VCD No. Exam./Thesis/Uni./VCD/2414 of 2010)
- NET/SET/PET/GATE or any any other qualifying exams approved by UGC
- Minimum 55% Marks at M.Sc/M.A/M.Com and 50% for Reserved Category.
Pre-Application Form: A cash Rs. 1000/- or Demand Draft in the name of “Principal, R J College”
Photocopies of the following Documents must be submitted along with completed Application form:
- Appropriate Mark list and degree certificates
- Appropriate Caste certificates if applicable
- PET/NET/SET/GATE. Etc Certificate
The Ph.D Course work is mandatory except for those who have been granted exemption as per U.G.C rules and regulation which are mentioned in the VCD No. Exam./Thesis./Univ./VCD/2414 of 2010 dated 18thNovember, 2010.
Last Date for acceptance of completed application form : 14th June 2021 (Till 1.00 pm)
Application form are available from the office (Enquiry Counter, First Floor) between 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
All the eligible candidates will be invited for interviews (the date will be announced later) to be held in Conference Room, 1stFloor, R. J. College, Opposite Ghatkopar Railway Station, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai 400086.