Lecture Capturing Unit (seminar Hall-Ground Floor)
Studio (Recording and Mixing Area- 2nd Floor)
Bill of setting up this facility
- RJC Opencourseware is an YouTube channel of R J college were all the Guest lectures have been uploaded for easy access anytime and anywhere
- Website Link
e-content developed by Teaching Staff
Name of the teacher Name of the module developed Platform on which module has been developed Link to the relevant document and facility available in the institution
Ms.Jeba Roselet Red Hat Linux Installation in VMWare Workstation Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3MCnlEGKaw
Dr. Dan Bahadur Singh Storage Protiens in Plants Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYrTJv9GTK8
Mr. Rahul Tiwari Introduction of Rstudio Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7JO-w5ud8
Capt. Pravin Nayak Isozymes Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckxmUBhrGJY
Prof. Jasvinder Kaushal Clinical Pathology- Urine Sample Youtube https://youtu.be/hIYh2Y7yCmU
Dr. Rachana Acharya Introduction to Complement systems Youtube https://youtu.be/YFy7bIJDDEs
Dr. Sucheta Golwalkar Actin Filament Youtube https://youtu.be/D4uOOeHf9xA
Dr.Smruti Thombre Tools in molecular biology Youtube https://youtu.be/0DpuF8gyRLA
Prof. Namrata Parab Cytogenetics: Dosage compensation Youtube https://youtu.be/rgZS1W2965M
Prof. Saleha Khan Active Transport & Channels Youtube https://youtu.be/SJK2Ca7uizk
Dr. Tania Karipel Affinity chromatography Youtube https://youtu.be/1gBivPLRuPw
Ms.Priya Shetty Introduction to Accounting Youtube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW2LhaGniDbyGw_biqOCM_SGxyImpIMHF
Ms.Mala Goplani Cash Flow statement (Unit 4) Youtube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeRoDnGg4dcQbdvXiDtFpmGtjnjtoydV
Ms.Bharati Bhole Big Data Technologies Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8h0L0J24mM&list=PLAstRRoi5dMmUmZ_PsPc2WqGv-c_NB_VF&index=189
Prof. Smita Jadhav Cell Cycle Youtube https://youtu.be/7h-vfvmUmcY
Ms. Archana Bhide Virtual and Augmented Reality Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jcDodD7AZs&list=PLAstRRoi5dMmUmZ_PsPc2WqGv-c_NB_VF&index=97
Mr. Ajaykumar Shukla Some MCQs and Problems on sequences FYBSc Youtube https://youtu.be/ZaYZDHPYR7s
Mr. Indrasingh Saud Functions FYBSc Youtube https://youtu.be/RZwKz5RQAqU
Dr. Karishma Rajbhar Pentagon Method for Isolation of Bacterial Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PNsNU7IZzA
Dr. Sanket Tikare Directional derivative and its properties SYBSc Youtube https://youtu.be/tJVvbsHkmG4
Dr. Sucheta Joshi TYBA Economics Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUNiIVL5VhA
Dr. Sucheta Joshi TYBCOM Business Economics Youtube https://youtu.be/trKH-dlTrx0
Ms. Pranali Karnik SYBA Economics Youtube https://youtu.be/uv-XEznQ_XU
Ms. Devashree Ghorpade FYBA Economics Youtube https://youtu.be/ChPtbqDad3g
Mr. Chinmay S. Bapat Psychological Inquiry - 1 Youtube https://youtu.be/TZvrOA8762w
Ms. Pratibha Khedekar Sales and Marketing Management Youtube https://www.youtube.com/live/SRMkNU0Ht0Q?feature=share
Mr. Akash Gupta Sales and Marketing Management Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qZz9if4lf4
Mr. Akash Gupta Hire Purchase Youtube https://www.youtube.com/live/5qZz9if4lf4?feature=share
Dr. Subodh Barve TYBCOM- COM VI SEM VI MOD 1 Youtube https://youtu.be/Po-P0NuYmOM
Ms. Madhuri Agarwal Performance Appraisal-Concept, Benefits, Limitations,Methods, Succession planning -Needs Youtube https://youtu.be/c842fVfcsAc
Ms. Madhuri Agarwal Role Of Government and Registration and Licencing and Revision Youtube https://youtu.be/dnRKu1dNww8
Ms. Mala Goplani Receivables Management Sums Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-Cjf9qDEWI
Ms. Mala Goplani Leverages (FM-II) Youtube https://www.youtube.com/live/Jin7AMg7_C0?feature=share
Ms. Nandini Jagannarayan Fiscal Policy and Government Budget Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4UD8KM1I6s
Dr. Sneha Deuskar Co-operation Human Value and its manifestation in Marathi Literature Course : Dialogue studies and Human Values in Marathi Literature and Language Youtube https://youtu.be/lkvOTI4g6Yk
Dr Neelambari Kulkarni Love-Human Value and its manifestation in Marathi Literature Course: Dialogue studies and Human Values in Marathi Literature and Language Youtube https://youtu.be/RYYiIHfJPwE
Dr. Amita Valmiki Svadharma (Philosophy) Youtube https://youtu.be/O8w334sCy5Y
Dr. Rina Pitale Puradkar Purusharthas (Philosophy) Youtube https://youtu.be/ajCHcN3-0vg
Ms. Shephali D. Apte Stress Management F.Y.B.A Youtube https://youtu.be/NbMG-Yt0LtY
Ms. Sharmila Jajodia English Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@sharmilajajodia6476/videos
Dr. Anil Avhad Botany Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@anilavhad8605
Ms. Rekha Shetty Financial Management (Introduction to Financial Management) – I (BAF) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM3NDI5MTc2NDI3?cjc=np5subw
Mr. Nilesh Ghadge Cost Accounting I (BAF) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAxNDU1MzA5Mjg3?cjc=6gg27i2
Ms. Pooja Bhardwaj Effective Communication- I (BAMMC) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4NzkwMDc4ODEx?cjc=mujcay5
Ms. Prachi Vankiani Fundamentals of Mass Communication (BAMMC) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk3NTg4MzgwMzY2?cjc=5e25vhy
Ms. Sheryl Cusher History of Media (BAMMC) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4NzkwNTU1NjIz?cjc=5is7ffn
Dr. Prasadhini Gautam Visual Communication (BAMMC) Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTI2NDM3MTM0MTI4?cjc=dnkgepg
Ms. Selvi Nadar FYBMS Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk2OTMwNDcyNzE1?cjc=4hagavh
Mr. Jitendra Jha Accountancy Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM2ODc5MzIwMDkz?cjc=lqbd6ov
Mr. Jaishankar Singh Basics of Python Programming Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/MzY1NzQ3MTQxMzYy?cjc=3i5jqe6
Mr. Suraj Singh Statistics Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTgxNTQwMDM1NTQ0?cjc=fy6qu5h
Mr. Suraj Singh Statistics Youtube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS025GDZpC8yRyo2VISt3wbLLYMstlnc3
Dr. Pratibha Sardesai Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4OTI1NDA0MjMy?cjc=ni5g4oi
Mrs. Sanika Gupte Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM0NzYyMDc5OTky?cjc=kjoucal
Mrs. Bindu Achary Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM0NzYyMDc5OTky?cjc=kjoucal
Mrs. Janhavi Bhagwat Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4OTI1NDA0MjMy?cjc=ni5g4oi
Mrs. Geeta Joshi Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM0NzYyMDc5OTky?cjc=kjoucal
Mr. Deepak Poojary Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4OTI1NDA0MjMy?cjc=ni5g4oi
Ms. Sushma Singh Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4OTI1NDA0MjMy?cjc=ni5g4oi
Mr. Bhagirath Mishra Zoology Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk2NjU3ODU2MTcz?cjc=acff4hu