Mr. Chandrashekhar Marudrappa Kubyal

Associate Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, TCS India (Currently located in Toronto, Canada),

I entered RJ College premises in 1989 on a wheelchair, as I had spinal cord injury since childhood. I enrolled as a student in FYJC Science and graduated with BSc Math in 1994. Most of my teenage life used to be at home or in hospital, my entry to college opened the windows to a totally different perspective of life and the world.

Every day I entered the college with some confusion and took home some clarity. Advice, guidance and blessings from my teachers and Principal to choose computer science, put the seed in me which sprouted and flourished through our department of Mathematics at RJ College.

All my teachers in the Dept. of Mathematics understood me, helped me, pushed me, and imbibed in me lots of confidence which helped me grow and travel across the world.

I will always be indebted to RJ College for moulding and guiding me in choosing my career.

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