History Alumni (1989-1991)
I passed out from my alma mater in the year 1991. I had majored in History and had topped my class. I have been working as a lecturer in SNDT University since the past 27 years. My passion in History ignited during the college years has made me embark on a Ph.D in Culinary History. I am very thankful to the College for moulding me. I am also currently associated with the College as alumni member in the Board of Studies in History.
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History Alumni (1989-1991)
I passed out from my alma mater in the year 1991. I had majored in History and had topped my class. I have been working as a lecturer in SNDT University since the past 27 years. My passion in History ignited during the college years has made me embark on a Ph.D in Culinary History. I am very thankful to the College for moulding me. I am also currently associated with the College as alumni member in the Board of Studies in History.">